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Ageing Problems


Pre-geriatric study on MStrath (notabene medici, Journal für Ärzte 3 and 4, 1990, Rainer B. Pelka, Heinz Leuchtgens, W.U. Weitbrecht)

Controlled, clinical, double-blind study on 184 patients with pre-geriatric disorders, aged between 45 and 75 years, over a three-month period. (MStrath Food Supplement, liquid: 62 patients, MStrath food supplement tablets: 62 patients, placebo group: 60 patients).


Results: General condition, short-term memory and circulatory efficiency in the ergometry test all improved significantly in the two MStrath groups (liquid and tablets). The MStrath groups produced markedly better performances than the control group in the overall medical assessment.

Pre-Alzheimer study
The effect of a herbal yeast supplement (MStrath) in a randomised, double-blind trial (ARS MEDICI; 85, No. 1, 1995, Rainer B. Pelka, Heinz Leuchtgens)

The aim of this randomised, double-blind study with 75 patients aged between 57 and 84 years with severe geriatric symptoms was to test over a three-month period whether MStrath exerts a favourable influence on the symptoms and whether it could be used as an adjunct therapy.


Results: It was demonstrated that MStrath Food Supplement produced a significant effect in comparison with the control group on the basis of the following criteria: fatigue, headache, dizziness, mental alertness, sleep, emotional stability, speed of information flow, depressive mood, apathy, speaking letters and numbers forwards and backwards. Laboratory investigations showed improvements in the geriatric concomitant diseases. Important progress was not made until the second half of the twelve-week study period. A longer duration of treatment is therefore indicated.

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