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An Evidence-based Herbal Yeast Supplement For All Ages

From its early days, MStrath has always considered it very important to have all the products it develops scientifically investigated. This has resulted, over the years, in a large body of publications, field studies and observational studies.

You can take a look through the various fields in the study browser below and see the highlights.

​从1961年开始,来自世界各地的名医、专家、学者、大学、健康组织及团体已对《瑞康宝 MStrath》进行了医学临床测试,其功效无不令人惊讶称奇。以下是《瑞康宝 MStrath》多年来的临床测试报告供各位参考。

Immune defence / flu-like infections
Increased concentration
Improved performance
Ageing problems
Haemoglobin levels during pregnancy
Osteoporosis (bone construction)
Nurse And Patient
Attention deficit disorders ADD / AD
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