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电疗 / 化疗 / 疾病康复

Radiotherapy/ chemotherapy/ convalescence

Natural food supplement during convalescence 
Double-blind study with a herbal yeast supplement, MStrath, in 177 cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy ("Schweiz. Zschr. GanzheitsMedizin" 8(6), 1996, F.H. Schwarzenbach, K.W. Brunner)

Results: In the MStrath group, improvements were observed in physical activity, appetite, subjective condition and haemoglobin concentration. While the patients in the control group exhibited weight loss during radiotherapy and in the subsequent period of convalescence, the patients in the MStrath group were found to have positive weight development.

Strengthening endogenous defences the effect of a yeast supplement, MStrath, on cell proliferation (cell reproduction)
("SWISS BIOTECH" 6, 1985, G. Lorenzi, A. Cogoli)

The Space Biology Group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich has been collaborating with the ESA, NASA and other space organisations since 1977 in carrying out investigations of human cells under zero gravity conditions. The activity of lymphocytes, the body?s own defense cells, is decreased under zero gravity. Results: This study showed that MStrath Food Supplement reverses this reduced defense cell activity.

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