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Working Adults 上班族

Working Adults 上班族

-Reinforce immune system -Relieve stress -Promote appetite -Supply daily nutrients -Increase energy & stamina -Improve working performance - 强化免疫系统 - 疏解压力及疲劳 - 改善胃口 - 提供每日所需营养素 - 提升能量及耐力 - 提高工作绩效

Children / Students 小孩 / 学生

Children / Students 小孩 / 学生

- Assist in mental development - Support memory & concentration - Reduce fatigue - Strengthen immune system - Benefits for children with ADD / ADHD - 协助智力发展 - 加强记忆力及专注力 - 疏解疲劳及紧张 - 增强免疫系统 - 稳定过动儿情绪

Athletes 运动员

Athletes 运动员

- Support recovery - Restore & Maintain natural energy - Provides stamina & endurance - Counteract fatigue - 迅速恢复体力 - 恢复和保持能量 - 增强精力及活力 - 抵抗及消除疲劳

Convalescence Patients 康复中的病人

Convalescence Patients 康复中的病人

- Regain strength - Reduce chronic fatigue - Promote appetite - Improve nutritional status - Normalize organ functions - Support recovery - 恢复体力及元气 - 消除慢性疲劳 - 促进食欲 - 改善营养状况 - 平衡身体运作状态 - 病后迅速康复

The Elderly 老年人

The Elderly 老年人

- Support physical & mental efficiency (memory & concentration) - Strengthen immune system - Supply balance nutrients - Counteract fatigue - 维持精力充沛及良好记忆 - 增强抵抗力 - 给予均衡营养素 - 消除疲劳

Pregnant Women / Housewives 孕妇 / 家庭主

Pregnant Women / Housewives 孕妇 / 家庭主

- Support vitality during & after pregnancy - Support normal growth & development - Maintain hemoglobin level - Ideal source of iron - Relieve stress & fatigue - 在怀孕期间和怀孕后给予能力 - 维持胎儿正常的增长和发展 - 维持良好血红素水平 - 理想的天然铁来源 - 缓解压力及疲劳

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