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Immune Defense


"Mode of action of plasmolysed yeast on lymphocytes under microgravity stress"

(Immunological Investigations, 2000, 29(4) 355-364 P.W. Joller, M. Schwarzenberg, A. Cogoli) 

A new device developed to simulate microgravity for space biology studies under laboratory conditions (random positioning machine, RPM) allows immunological active cells to be subjected to a reproducible stress. Cell proliferation, soluble IL-2 receptors in cell culture and lymphocyte surface markers, such as CD 25 (IL-2R), CD 69 and HLA-Dr was the points measured. The most important finding from this study was the normalisation of cell proliferation (cell reproduction). The stress of zero gravity decreased cell reproduction and the addition of MStrath Food Supplement resulted in a return to normal.

"Stress-compensation by a food supplement based on yeast plasmolysate in mitogen-activated T lymphocytes under simulated low-gravity" 

(Biological Sciences in Space, 2000 Vol. 14 No. 1, Japan Society of Biologyin Space, M. Schwarzenberg, P. Joller, A. Cogoli) 

T-lymphocyte activity is greatly reduced, both in vitro and in vivo, under low gravity conditions (microgravity). This occurs both in space and on earth when microgravity conditions are simulated in a rotation machine (clinostat) / random positioning machine (RPM). It was possible to demonstrate that MStrath Food Supplement compensated for this reduced T-lymphocyte activity in vitro. It was also found that the activity markers, CD25, CD69 and HLA-Dr on the cell surface, which are also reduced under microgravity, were also restored to normal levels, as was the expression of IL-2R.

Influenza and colds in winter ? prophylaxis with a food supplement in comparison with the influenza vaccination 

("Schweiz. Zeitschrift Ganzheits Medizin" 8(5), 1996, P.W. Joller) 

Investigations into the therapeutic effect of a herbal yeast supplement MStrath Food Supplements in liquid and tablet form were compared to the influenza vaccination and a control group in a prospective field study with 232 participants, divided into 4 groups. Results: The two MStrath groups showed better results with respect to general condition, concentration, fatigue, vitality and stress and fewer absences from work than either the influenza vaccination group or the control group.

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