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Osteoporosis (bone construction)

Influence of MStrath® on osteogensis 
Herbal yeast plasmolysate promotes the osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (Monici M., Marziliano N., Cialdai F., romano G., Cellai I., Benvenuti S. und Cogoli A.; L'Integratore Nutrizionale; 14(1), 2011:37-42)

Our bones are subject to remodeling throughout the whole of our lives, with either breakdown or construction predominating depending on biological requirements. Excessive breakdown leads to osteoporosis while excessive build-up causes osteoporosis (marble bone disease). Osteoporosis is a far greater problem in both medical and economic terms. Specialized cells in the body are responsible for bone construction and breakdown. Cells called osteoblasts are involved in bone construction, while the cells responsible for bone breakdown are known as osteoclasts.

Summary of the results of the in-vitro-Study at the University of Florence, Italy:

The addition of MStrath herbal yeast clearly promotes maturation of cells that build up bone mass (osteoblasts). The formation of undesirable osteoclasts (bone breakdown) is decreased by adding herbal yeast. A combination of drug therapy and herbal yeast plasmolysate could therefore be successful in osteoporosis patients.

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