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What makes MStrath unique?

是什么让《MStrath 瑞康宝》与众不同?

The uptake and integration of the active substances into the yeast cells creates the unique MStrath herbal yeast.

In a gentle, biological process, yeast cells are combined with selected herbal extracts as they multiply. The uptake and integration of the herbal active substances into the yeast cells creates the unique MStrath herbal yeast. In a subsequent processing step, the yeast cells are naturally opened up, in other words liquefied. This process, known as plasmolysis, is required so that the human body can absorb the valuable nutrients of the herbal yeast (bio-availability).


酵母细胞通过吸收和整合活性物质所产生出来的营养,创造了独特的《MStrath 瑞康宝》草本酵母。


在温和的生物过程中,酵母细胞在草药内繁殖发酵。酵母细胞通过吸收和整合活性物质所产生出来的营养,创造了独特的《MStrath 瑞康宝》草本酵母。在酵母与草药发酵中,酵母细胞膜被自然地打开。这个过程称为质壁分离或胞浆分裂法,这样人体就可以吸收到,酵母及草药所有的营养素。


《MStrath 瑞康宝》的独特性

  • Contains more than 60 essential nutrients

  • Free from artificially produced flavourings and sweeteners

  • No preservatives

  • No artificially produced colourings

  • No genetically modified organisms

  • Essential nutrients are better absorbed due to their natural state

  • 含有60多种必需营养素

  • 不含人造调味剂和甜味剂

  • 无防腐剂

  • 不含人造色素

  • 不含基因改良生物

  • 天然成分 - 必需营养素能被人体更好地吸收

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